Item #003140 ON THE HOLOCAUST, Course Syllabi, Manual and Bibliographies, Liturgies - Four Different Books

ON THE HOLOCAUST, Course Syllabi, Manual and Bibliographies, Liturgies - Four Different Books

National Institute on the Holocaust. Not Stated, Presumed First Edition. Softcover. Philadelphia: National Institute on the Holocaust, 1978. Four coil bound books with black lettering on the front cover. On the Holocaust - Church/School Manual: 68 pages. Course Syllabi (Vol. 1); not paginated, but at least 350 pages, filled with the descriptions of lectures, reading lists, etc. Bibliographies Vol. 1: not paginated. Liturgies (Vol. 1), 122 pages. A very good copy of these four books 'intended as a practical aid for teachers or others who wish to construct a course of study in the multi-dimensional aspects of the Holocaust'.. Not Stated, Presumed First Edition. Coil Bindings. Very Good/No Jacket. 8.5 x 11. Education, Holocaust. Very Good / No Jacket. Item #003140

Price: $50.00

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